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Neves, L., Martins, M., Correia, A. I., Castro, S. L., Schellenberg, E. G., & Lima, C. F. (2024). Does music training improve emotion recognition? Longitudinal and correlational evidence from children. PsyArXiv



Sayal, A., Guedes, A. G., Almeida, I., Jardim Pereira, D., Lima, C. F., Panda, R., Paiva, R. P., Sousa, T., Castelo-Branco, M., Bernardino, I., & Direito, B. (2024). Decoding musical valence and arousal: Exploring the neural correlates of music-evoked emotions and the role of expressivity features. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. Advance online publication.

Correia, A. I., Lima, C. F., & Schellenberg, E. G. (2023). Self-awareness of musical ability. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication.


Vincenzi, M.*, Correia, A. I.*, Vanzella, P., Pinheiro, A. P., Lima, C. F.*, & Schellenberg, E. G.* (2024). Associations between music training and cognitive abilities: The special case of professional musicians. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 18, 895-90. *equal contribution

Sella, E., Vincenzi, M., Carbone, E., Schellenberg, E. G., Lima, C. F., Toffalini, E., & Borella, E. (2024). Effects of music listening on cognition and affective state in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. European Psychologist, 29, 199-215.

Vilaverde, R. F., Horchak, O. V., Pinheiro, A. P., Scott, S. K., Korb, S., & Lima, C. F. (2024). Inhibiting orofacial mimicry affects authenticity perception in vocal emotions. Emotion, 24, 1376-1385.

Sarzedas, J., Lima, C. F., Roberto, M. S., Scott, S. K., Pinheiro, A. P., & Conde, T. (2024). Blindness influences emotional authenticity perception in voices: Behavioral and ERP evidence. Cortex, 172, 254-270.

Cai, C. Q., Mueller, M. E., Lima, C. F., Jin, G., Turek, A., Sivasathiaseelan, H., Guldner, S., & Scott, S. K. (2024). Development of a novel tool to investigate human laughter behaviour and experience. Neuroscience Letters, 825, Article 137690.

Schellenberg, E. G., & Lima, C. F. (2024). Music training and nonmusical abilities. Annual Review of Psychology, 75, 87-128.


Schellenberg, E. G., Correia, A. I., & Lima, C. F. (2023). Is musical expertise associated with self-reported foreign-language ability? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49, 1083-1089.

Correia, A. I., Vincenzi, M., Vanzella, P., Pinheiro, A. P., Schellenberg, E. G.*, & Lima, C. F.* (2023). Individual differences in musical ability among adults with no music training. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76, 1585-1598. *equal contribution


Vincenzi, M., Borella, E., Sella, E., Lima, C. F., De Beni, R., & Schellenberg, E. G. (2022). Music listening, emotion, and cognition in older adults. Brain Sciences, 12, Article 1567.

Martins, I., Lima, C. F., & Pinheiro, A. P. (2022). Enhanced salience of musical sounds in singers and instrumentalists. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 22, 1044-1062.

Neves, L., Correia, A. I., Castro, S. L., Martins, D., & Lima, C. F. (2022). Does music training enhance auditory and linguistic processing? A systematic review and meta-analysis of behavioral and brain evidence. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 140, Article 104777.

Correia, A. I., Castro, S. L., MacGregor, C., Müllensiefen, D., Schellenberg, E. G., & Lima, C. F. (2022). Enhanced recognition of vocal emotions in individuals with naturally good musical abilities. Emotion, 22, 894-906.

Correia, A. I., Vincenzi, M., Vanzella, P., Pinheiro, A. P., Lima, C. F.*, & Schellenberg, E. G.* (2022). Can musical ability be tested online? Behavior Research Methods, 54, 955-969. *equal contribution

Conde, T., Correia, A. I., Roberto, M. S., Scott, S. K., Lima, C. F., & Pinheiro, A. P. (2022). The time course of emotional authenticity detection in nonverbal vocalizations. Cortex, 151, 116-132.

Cosme, G., Tavares, V., Nobre, G., Lima, C. F., Sá, R., Rosa, P., & Prata, D. (2022). Cultural differences in vocal emotion recognition: A behavioural and skin conductance study in Portugal and Guinea-Bissau. Psychological Research, 86, 597-616.

Alderson-Day, B., Moffatt, J., Lima, C. F., Krishnan, S., Fernyhough, C., Scott, S. K., Denton, S., Leong, I. Y. T., Oncel, A. D., Wu, Y., Gurbuz, Z., & Evans, S. (2022). Susceptibility to auditory hallucinations is associated with spontaneous but not directed modulation of top-down expectations for speech. Neuroscience of Consciousness, 8, 1-14.

Moreira, H. S., Costa, A. S., Machado, A., Castro, S. L., Vicente, S., & Lima, C. F. (2022). Impaired recognition of facial and vocal emotions in mild cognitive impairment. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 28, 48-61.


Neves, L.*, Martins, M.*, Correia, A. I., Castro, S. L., & Lima, C. F. (2021). Associations between vocal emotion recognition and socio-emotional adjustment in children. Royal Society Open Science, 8, Article 211412. *equal contribution

Pinheiro, A. P., Anikin, A., Conde, T., Sarzedas, J., Chen, S., Scott, S. K., & Lima, C. F. (2021). Emotional authenticity modulates affective and social trait inferences from voices. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 376, Article 20200402.

Martins, M., Pinheiro, A. P., & Lima, C. F. (2021). Does music training improve emotion recognition abilities? A critical review. Emotion Review, 13, 199-210.

Lima, C. F., Arriaga, P., Anikin, A., Pires, A. R., Frade, S., Neves, L., & Scott, S. K. (2021). Authentic and posed emotional vocalizations trigger distinct facial responses. Cortex, 141, 280-292.

Amorim, M., Anikin, A., Mendes, A. J., Lima, C. F., Kotz, S., & Pinheiro, A. P. (2021). Changes in vocal emotion recognition across the life span. Emotion, 21, 315-325.

Cosme, G., Rosa, P. J., Lima, C. F., Tavares, V., Scott, S. K., Chen, S., Wilcockson, T. D. W., Crawford, T. J., & Prata, D. (2021). Pupil dilation reflects the authenticity of received nonverbal vocalizations. Scientific Reports, 11, Article 3733.


Vilaverde, R. F., Correia, A. I., & Lima, C. F. (2020). Higher trait mindfulness is associated with empathy but not with emotion recognition abilities. Royal Society Open Science, 7, Article 192077.

Lima, C. F., Correia, A. I., Müllensiefen, D., & Castro, S. L. (2020). Goldsmiths Musical Sophistication Index (Gold-MSI): Portuguese version and associations with socio-demographic factors, personality and music preferences. Psychology of Music, 48, 376-388.



Pinheiro, A. P., Lima, D., Albuquerque, P. B., Anikin, A., & Lima, C. F. (2019). Spatial location and emotion modulate voice perception. Cognition & Emotion, 33, 1577-1586.

Moreira, H. S., Costa, A. S., Machado, A., Castro, S. L., Lima. C. F.*, & Vicente, S. G.* (2019). Distinguishing mild cognitive impairment from healthy aging and Alzheimer’s disease: The contribution of the INECO Frontal Screening (IFS). PLOS One, 14, Article e0221873. *equal contribution

Correia, A. I.*, Branco, P.*, Martins, M., Reis, A. M., Martins, N., Castro,. S. L.*, & Lima, C. F.* (2019). Resting-state connectivity reveals a role for sensorimotor systems in vocal emotional processing in children. NeuroImage, 201, Article 116052. *equal contribution

Jasmin, K.*, Lima, C. F.*, & Scott, S. K.* (2019). Understanding rostral-caudal auditory cortex contributions to auditory perception. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 20, 425-434. *equal contribution

Lima, C. F., Anikin, A., Monteiro, A. C., Scott, S. K., & Castro, S. L. (2019). Automaticity in the recognition of nonverbal emotional vocalizations. Emotion, 19, 219-233.


Neves, L., Cordeiro, C., Scott, S. K., Castro, S. L., & Lima, C. F. (2018). High emotional contagion and empathy are associated with enhanced detection of emotional authenticity in laughter. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71, 2355-2363

Krishnan, S., Lima, C. F., Evans, S., Chen, S., Guldner, S., Yeff, H., Manly, T., & Scott, S. K. (2018). Beatboxers and guitarists engage sensorimotor regions selectively when listening to the instruments they can play. Cerebral Cortex, 28, 4063-4079.

Nunes, A., Limpo, T., Lima, C. F., & Castro, S. L. (2018). Short scales for the assessment of personality traits: Development and validation of the Portuguese Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI). Frontiers in Psychology, 9, Article 461.

Anikin, A., & Lima, C. F. (2018). Perceptual and acoustic differences between authentic and acted nonverbal emotional vocalizations. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71, 622-641.


Moreira, H. S., Costa, A. S., Castro, S. L., Lima, C. F.*, & Vicente, S.* (2017). Assessing executive dysfunction in neurodegenerative disorders: A critical review of brief neuropsychological tools. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9, Article 369. *equal contribution

O’Nions, E.*, Lima, C. F.*, Scott, S. K., Roberts, R., McCrory, E., & Viding, E. (2017). Reduced laughter contagion in boys at risk for psychopathy. Current Biology, 27, 3049-3055. *equal contribution

Alderson-Day, B.*, Lima, C. F.*, Evans, S., Krishnan, S., Shanmugalingam, P., Fernyhough, C., & Scott, S. K. (2017). Distinct processing of ambiguous speech in people with non-clinical auditory verbal hallucinations. Brain, 140, 2475-2489. *equal contribution


Lima, C. F.*, Brancatisano, O.*, Fancourt, A., Müllensiefen, D., Scott, S. K., Warren, J. D., & Stewart, L. (2016). Impaired socio-emotional processing in a developmental music disorder. Scientific Reports, 6, Article 34911. *equal contribution

Lima, C. F., Krishnan, S., & Scott, S. K. (2016). Roles of supplementary motor areas in auditory processing and auditory imagery. Trends in Neurosciences, 39, 527-542.


Lima, C. F.*, Lavan, N.*, Evans, S., Agnew, Z., Halpern, A. R., Shanmugalingam, P., Meekings, S., Boebinger, D., Ostarek, M., McGettigan, C., Warren, J., & Scott, S. K. (2015). Feel the noise: Relating individual differences in auditory imagery to the structure and function of sensorimotor systems. Cerebral Cortex, 25, 4638-4650. *equal contribution

Meekings, S., Boebinger, D., Evans, S., Lima, C. F., Chen, S., Ostarek, M., & Scott, S. K. (2015). Do we know what we’re saying? The role of self-monitoring and sensory information in speech production. Psychological Science, 26, 1975-1977.

Boebinger, D., Evans, S., Rosen, S., Lima, C. F., Manly, T., & Scott, S. K. (2015). Musicians and non-musicians are equally adept at perceiving masked speech. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137, 378-387.

Lavan, N.*, Lima, C. F.*, Harvey, H., Scott, S. K., & McGettigan, C. (2015). I thought that I heard you laughing: Contextual facial expressions modulate the perception of authentic laughter and crying. Cognition & Emotion, 29, 935-944. *equal contribution


Lavan, N., & Lima, C. F. (2014). Neurocognitive mechanisms for vocal emotions: Sounds, meaning, action. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34, 12950-12952.

Moreira, H.*, Lima, C. F.*, & Vicente, S. (2014). Examining executive dysfunction with the Institute of Cognitive Neurology (INECO) Frontal Screening (IFS): Normative values in a healthy sample and clinical utility in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 42, 261-273. *equal contribution

Castro, S. L., & Lima, C. F. (2014). Age and musical expertise influence emotion recognition in music. Music Perception, 32, 125-142.

Lima, C. F., Alves, T., Scott, S. K., & Castro, S. L. (2014). In the ear of the beholder: How age shapes emotion recognition in nonverbal vocalizations. Emotion, 14, 145-160.


Lima, C. F., Garrett, C., & Castro, S. L. (2013). Not all sounds sound the same: Parkinson’s disease affects differently emotion processing in music and in speech prosody. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 35, 373-392.

Lima, C. F., Castro, S. L., & Scott, S. K. (2013). When voices get emotional: A corpus of nonverbal vocalizations for research on emotion processing. Behavior Research Methods, 45, 1234-1245.


Lima, C. F., & Castro, S. L. (2011). Speaking to the trained ear: Musical expertise enhances the recognition of emotional speech prosody. Emotion, 11, 1021-1031.

Lima, C. F., & Castro, S. L. (2011). Emotion recognition in music changes across the adult life span. Cognition & Emotion, 25, 585-598.


Castro, S. L., & Lima, C. F. (2010). Recognizing emotions in spoken language: A validated set of Portuguese sentences and pseudo-sentences for research on emotional prosody. Behavior Research Methods, 42, 74-81.

Lima, C. F., & Castro, S. L. (2010). Reading strategies in orthographies of intermediate depth are flexible: Modulation of length effects in Portuguese. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 22, 190-215.


Lima, C. F., Meireles, L., Fonseca, R., Castro, S. L., & Garrett, C. (2008). The Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB) in Parkinson’s disease and correlations with formal measures of executive functioning. Journal of Neurology, 255, 1756-1761.